Get up to date with Harborough news and events!
News and features from Harborough District Council - November 2024 |
Phil Knowles Leader of Harborough District Council |
Welcome to your November newsletter.
This year is really flying by and we're into the last couple of months of 2024. I have been busy this month, meeting a wide variety of agencies and organisations, one particularly important meeting was with a range of agencies to discuss the recent flooding issues, I have pushed for investigations and a longer term focus on infrastructure improvements across the District, I hope we will have more news on this shortly. Please visit our updated flood guidance web page for advice and support. There are also details below about the next training session for Community Flood Wardens.
Bookings are now being taken for free taster, exercise and swimming sessions at Harborough Leisure Centre open day event on Saturday 30 November. Details are below but please book quickly to avoid disappointment. Sessions are free and there are a range of exciting options available for all residents and families.
Don't forget to share your feedback about the refurbished Lutterworth Leisure Centre in our short online survey.
There are changes to some household bin collections as we have been issued a direction notice by Leicestershire County Council - meaning that we need to swap collections round on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This change affects both blue and yellow calendars - the rural round is excluded from this change. There is NO change to Thursday and Friday collections. You can find out more below and online.
Please take some time to complete the Community Safety Survey to share your views on crime and anti-social behaviour locally. The survey is produced by the Violence Reduction Network in collaboration with Community Safety Partnerships across Leicestershire. The data collected will be used by Harborough Community Safety Partnership to help inform our Action Plan for 2025/2026.
As the festive season creeps ever closer, I hope you will continue to support our local independent shops and traders by shopping locally.
We're offering FREE parking in council-owned pay and display car parks in Lutterworth and Market Harborough on Saturdays leading up to Christmas to help residents to shop locally and support our wonderful local shops, traders & businesses. Dates include 7, 14 and 21 December 2024. Find out more below.
As part of our on-going drive to support carbon reduction we encourage everyone if possible to avoid single-use plastic. Gift vouchers, Leicester Comedy Festival tickets for shows in our district, and local days out are always a great gift option and help boost our local economy.
Look out for our new community newsletter which is being distributed to each household across the district. It features information about what we have been doing and we hope it will be helpful for people who do not have access to the internet.
If you're holding a festive event locally please do get in touch with our Visit Harborough team so we can help with promotion and list it on our events page.
Please read on for all the latest news, events and service updates.
Best wishes, Phil |
Remembrance Weekend 2024 |
The war memorial in Market Harborough town centre has been cleaned and restored in advance of the remembrance period and 115 mini Union Flags are being installed above shops and businesses in Market Harborough town centre to mark Remembrance Day and Armistice Day with events being held across the district.
Sunday 10 November
The Deputy Lieutenant of Leicestershire, the Royal British Legion, the Chairman and Leader of Harborough District Council will be attending Market Harborough’s primary Service of Remembrance at St. Dionysius Church, adjacent to the High Street, on Sunday 10 November. Everyone is welcome to attend the service which starts at 10am (please be seated by 9.50pm). The Service will be followed, at approximately 10.40am, by a parade along the High Street to the War Memorial where the Act of Remembrance and 2 minutes silence will take place at 11am. The parade will include a marching band, local cadet units, scouts, guides, brownies and cubs, and a contingent of Armed Forces veterans from across the local area.
Lutterworth Parade: Starting at the Wycliffe Rooms at 10:30 am on Sunday, 10 November, proceeding to the Memorial Gardens for a service of Remembrance.
Monday 11 November
On Armistice Day, Monday 11 November, at 10.45am there will be a short Service of Remembrance at the War Memorial on the Market Square, to mark the moment when the Armistice was declared in 1918. This service, which will be conducted by the Chair of the Market Harborough Branch of the Royal British Legion, Mr Stewart Harrison and the Reverend Phil Bryson, will include a 2 minute’s silence at 11am.
Local residents and businesses are advised that the period of silence will begin and end with a loud noise as a maroon is fired. All members of the public are invited to attend the ceremony and join in by taking part in the silence.
|  | Tommy on The Square in Market Harborough |
| The Harborough Monster Trail |
The South Leicestershire School Sport Partnership, with the support of the Harborough District Council and Active Together Harborough, are delighted to announce that we have created the 'Harborough Monster Trail'. The programme is funded by the UKSPF and will form part of the ‘Harborough on the Move’ programme.
The aim of the trail is to encourage children and families to be active this autumn. The Monster Trail began on Monday 21 October and finishes on Friday 29 November. During the summer, children created monsters which have been designed into monster cards.
We have hidden 20 monster cards in 4 green parks in the Harborough District for children and families to find. Participants can find the monster cards in one of the parks or all of the parks to win special prizes. Prizes include mini fuzzy monsters, certificates and medals.
To find full details about the Harborough Monster Trail and meet our monsters, please click here. How To Play
1. Find monsters hidden in parks across the Harborough District. Click here to download the maps.
2. When you find a monster card, scan the QR code and make a note of the number. 3. Submit your competition entry here.
Parents/guardians that tag the South Leicestershire School Sports Partnership and use #MonsterTrail24 in social media posts about the trail will be put in a prize draw to win amazon vouchers. Our social media handles are below: X - lslssp
Facebook - learningsouthleicestershiressp Instagram - southleicestershiressp |
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| | Husbands Bosworth ghost sign restored |
 | The historic ghost sign of ‘P.Phipps & Cos. Ales and Stouts. Northampton’ in Husbands Bosworth has been lovingly restored.
The sign has been carefully reestablished, replicating the original colours and lettering that first adorned the Northampton-based brewery’s building over a century ago. This restoration is part of ongoing efforts to protect and enhance the district’s heritage and celebrates the historical connections of the village to Northamptonshire’s brewing industry.
The brewery was founded in 1801 and played a key role in supplying villages like Husbands Bosworth. Its products were once staples in local pubs throughout the Midlands. This project has received funding from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and supports our commitment to maintaining ghost signs across the Harborough district.
Last year, the ghost sign of ‘Taylors’ above Duncan Murray Wines in Market Harborough was revived.
If you know of any ghosts signs in need of revival, please contact us: |
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| | The festive season begins in Harborough District
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The Christmas Lights Switch on in Market Harborough will be held on Saturday 23 November 2024 from 5pm until 8pm with the illumination of the lights at 6.30pm.
The popular Christmas Food and Drink Festival will be on The Square from Friday 22 November to Sunday 24 November. There will be lots for the family to enjoy with activities including live music, Christmas carols, street entertainment, and Father Christmas joins us from the North Pole. There’s plenty more surprises in store on the night, so miss out on this wonderful annual event. Road closures will be in place for the event.
Late Night Shopping returns on Thursday 28 November 2024 so remember to shop local this Christmas to support your local retailers and businesses. Lutterworth’s Christmas Market is on Friday 29 November 3.30pm-8pm.
Broughton Astley Christmas Fayre and Lights Switch on will be on Saturday 7 December with an exciting Santa Dash and Dawdle on Sunday 8 December.
Keep up to date by following our social media pages on more events from around the district this festive season.
If you're holding a public Christmas event in the Harborough district and would like some support with promotion please email our tourism team: |
Find local events
| | Shop local this Christmas |
We know Christmas can be an expensive and stressful time for families so to help a little we're offering FREE parking in council-owned pay and display carparks in Lutterworth and Market Harborough on Saturdays leading up to Christmas to help residents to shop locally and support our wonderful local shops, traders & businesses. Dates include 7, 14 and 21 December 2024.
Short stay car parks in Market Harborough will be free for four hours. Long stay car parks and Lutterworth car parks will be free all day. There is one free parking session per vehicle per Saturday. Please note machines in other car parks will not issue further free sessions on the same day.
To qualify for this offer you will need to obtain a free ticket from the machines by entering your vehicle registration number and pressing the green issue button, or by obtaining a free parking session on the Pay by Phone App. If you wish to shop longer you can return to your vehicle and top up your parking with a paid ticket or purchase extra time when you arrive at the car park and this will be added on to your free ticket. You can also do this via the app.
Blue Badge holders should set their display clock on arrival at the car park, as normal, and will be permitted four hours free parking in short stay car parks, and all day free parking in long stay car parks, without the need to get a pay and display ticket.
Please do shop locally this festive season in our village centres, towns and rural businesses such as farm shops and garden centres with excellent choices of festive merchandise. By supporting traders, independent businesses and high street brands, garden centres, and food and drink businesses in Harborough district, we are also supporting and protecting our local economy and local jobs.
You don't need to overspend or panic-buy gifts. There are lots of super charity shops across the district who support both local and national charities. Many local businesses also offer gift vouchers as a great present option.
Leicester Comedy Festival is running from 5 - 23 February 2025. Tickets are now available to buy with a range of fabulous shows coming to the district as part of the Big Weekend. Comedy acts are being held in Fleckney, Foxton, Lutterworth and Market Harborough.
Find car parks here
| | Community newsletter for all households |
Every household in the Harborough District can expect to receive a hardcopy newsletter from the district council this November. The four-page, A4 newsletter includes information about Harborough District Council initiatives and how residents can have their say on the design and delivery of council services.
The newsletter also includes useful information on how to check eligibility for Pension Credit, which in turn will ensure eligible residents continue to receive the Winter Fuel Payment. Promoting Pension Credit to eligible residents in the district is in line with a motion that was carried at a recent Council meeting.
Information about how residents can apply online for a license, housing support or benefits, report an issue or make a payment is included, highlighting how residents who are able to use the internet can carry out these tasks at a time that suits them, in the quickest way possible.
For residents who do not have access to the internet, or who choose not to access information electronically, and who do not have someone trusted that can help them, the customer contact centre phone number and other numbers are included in the newsletter. The newsletter is printed on paper that is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Sustainability, quality and cost have all been factors in selecting the paper stock.
Distribution will start in the Lutterworth and Broughton Astley areas and delivery of the newsletter across the whole of the rural district will take place during November. With plans that a hardcopy newsletter will be delivered once a year to each household. |  |
Pictured from left to right: Cllr Jim Knight, Cllr Darren Woodiwiss, Cllr Simon Galton, Leader Cllr Phil Knowles, Cllr Jo Asher, and Cllr Paul Beadle with the new community newsletter. |
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Gartree 2: Next update from Ministry of Justice |  |
If you live in the vicinity of Gartree, you may have recently received a letter providing an update on site activity expected in the coming months, and importantly an invitation to attend a community drop-in session which is an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the new prison.
The drop-in session will be held as follows:
· Venue: Market Harborough Methodist Church · Date: 12 November 2024
· Time: 3-8pm (no appointment required)
If you’re unable to attend the drop-in session, you can still email: with any questions, queries or suggestions, including on how you would like to be kept up to date on progress.
James Smith
Programme Director, New Prisons Programme
| Calling all 11–18-year-olds in the Harborough District |
We have a new Youth Engagement Officer here at Harborough District Council, Becca Powell, who is tasked with creating a Youth Council.
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals aged between 11 and 18 years old who want to learn more about what the Council does, how they can get involved with making changes in their community and getting our young people’s voices heard across the district, all whilst having fun and making new friends.
If this sounds like something you, or some young people you or your organisation work with, might be interested in, please follow this link to share some details with us and our Youth Engagement Officer will be in touch.
| | Kibworth & Smeeton Nature Project (KSNP) |
Following delays due to Storm Babet, the habitat works for Kibworth and Smeeton Nature Project, restoring a section of the Langton Brook in the Upper Welland, near Smeeton Westerby (Leicestershire) have finally been completed.
Funded by the Environment Agency, Harborough District Council, IFM Investors (Australia) and Anglian Water this project restored a section of the Langton Brook, part of the Upper Welland catchment.
The Welland catchment has a long history of channel realignment and dredging. As a result, rivers are incised, disconnected from the floodplain, and with little in-channel habitat diversity. These modified channels were designed to transport water rapidly during high flows, increasing flood risk for communities downstream, evidenced by recent flooding in towns and villages such as Harborough, Stamford and Tallington.
Working closely with the landowners, 600 meters of new channels were created, partially reinstating the original course of the brook, some of which was modified prior to 1781 as is apparent in historical maps. The stream bed of the main channel was raised using locally sourced gravel in order to reconnect the floodplain. This has created a 1.5 ha wetland, which will help to store water during periods of high rainfall, improving climate change resilience. Gravel riffles and bars, berm features and ponds have the added value of increasing habitat for wildlife.
Later in the year, with the help of volunteers, the site will be planted with a range of native trees sourced with the help of the Woodland Trust, bringing the total area of habitat created to around 4.5 ha.
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Are you over State Pension age, or know someone who is? | Pension Credit tops up pension income and can help with day-to-day living costs.
If you are over State Pension age, you may be eligible to claim Pension Credit, even if you own your home or have savings.
People who claim Pension Credit may also be able to get:
• The Winter Fuel Payment and other help with heating costs • Help with rent and Council Tax • A free TV Licence for those aged 75 or over • Help with the cost of NHS services, such as NHS dental treatment, glasses and transport costs for hospital appointments.
You could be eligible for Pension Credit if your weekly income is below £218.15 or, if you have a partner who lives with you, £332.95. Qualifying income level may be higher in some circumstances.
Please share this information with your friends or neighbours if you think they may find it helpful. |  |
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First Veterans Information Fair a great success |  |
Pictured: Harborough District Council's officer Clive Mason, Cllr Jo Asher, Armed Forces Champion and Ian Reynolds, Armed Forces Officer |
On Thursday 26 September Harborough District Council (HDC) held its first Veteran’s Information Fair at The Symington Building in Market Harborough.
The event provided military veterans and other members of the armed forces community (Serving, Reserves and their families) with the opportunity to talk to numerous organisations and to get information about the social activities, support and services available to them in the local area.
As well as representatives from HDC, including the Housing Team and the Armed Forces Officer, there were stands from a multitude of organisations such as the Royal British Legion, Royal Naval Association, the NHS, the Department of Work & Pensions, the Armed Forces charity, the Soldiers', Sailors', and Airmen's Families Association,(SSAFA), Harborough and Lutterworth Veteran’s Breakfast Clubs, and many more.
It was also an opportunity to sign up for HDC’s new monthly veteran’s coffee morning that is starting soon.
For more information, please email our Armed Forces Liaison Officer via: .
The event proved to be a great success, and it is intended to hold another one in 2025. |
Find Veteran community support
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Friendship park coming to Market Harborough |
Residents and visitors to Market Harborough will soon be able to enjoy a new safe outdoor space. Work has started to create a friendship park on Northampton Road which will be inclusive and inspire people to sit and talk.
The council-owned site is being transformed to include benches, fruit trees and shrubs, wildflowers and a sculpture. Railings will be installed around the area and some hard landscaping will create walkways.
Once complete, signage will be erected displaying the name ‘Northampton Road Friendship Park’ and encouraging people to engage in conversation. For this project, the council has worked with a group of residents who overlook the park. Their contribution will also be to help the council with bulb planting and assist with ongoing maintenance in this community space. |
Pictured: Chairman and Cllr Peter Elliott, Cllr Peter James and Cllr Darren Woodiwiss with volunteers, Barry Avery, Halina Avery, Nick Turnbull, Pat Turnbull and Jean Dadge. |
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Always celebrate safely |
If you are celebrating Diwali or Bonfire Night please consider avoiding the use of fireworks.
We would always encourage you to attend an organised event instead of holding your own fireworks display. This reduces the disturbance for other people and animals and ensures there are fewer firework night incidents and accidents.
If you do intend on holding your own please consider others by:
Talking with your neighbours and informing them so they have plenty of time to prepare
Only buying fireworks from a legitimate retailer
Check the fireworks you buy are suitable for the size of garden and conform to British Standard (BS 7114)
Always store fireworks in a metal box, kept closed between use - never put fireworks in your pocket!
Never hold a lit firework and always wear gloves when holding a sparkler Please remember it is illegal if you:
Possess a firework and you’re under 18 years old
Set off fireworks after midnight on 5 November
Set off fireworks (including sparklers) in the street or public place Breaking these laws can result in an on the spot fine of £90.
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Book now - Harborough Leisure Centre free open day |
 | You can book now to take part in the Harborough Leisure Centre free open day event on Saturday 30 November 2024.
Roll up to meet sport stars Rebecca Adlington, OBE and Maisie Summers-Newton who will be on hand to pose for selfies and sign autographs. Rebecca secured a superb Olympic gold medal double at London 2012, while she is also a two-times world champion and two-times Commonwealth champion swimmer.
Maisie Summers-Newton is a four-times Paralympic swimming gold medallist and has six World Championship wins under her belt, as well as Commonwealth gold at Birmingham 2022.
The Harborough Leisure Centre grand opening event marks the investment and successful completion of the refurbishment project. This includes upgrades to the gym with an outstanding range of new equipment and increased range of machines and kit on offer, now boasting a 115-station gym, including new massage guns, ski-erg machines and additional weight stations. Improvements to the pool tiles, changing village and filtration systems have also been made, along with the introduction of weekly giant inflatable sessions.
The cycle room has been refreshed and the new exercise studio is bright and welcoming for group classes. The replacement dome enables a range of sports to be played inside all year round, including tennis, netball, fusball and pickleball. So why not pop down and check out the new facilities for yourself!
A range of exciting and free activities will be on offer all day for visitors to the centre, including the immensely popular Atlantis inflatable sessions, gym access with DJ Clinton mixing uplifting beats and Les Mills master-led exercise classes. Come along to explore club taster sessions and perhaps snap up some Christmas gifts or treats at the local business stalls who are supporting this fabulous event.
All activities are bookable in the Everyone Active App, or you can contact the centre directly on 01858 410115. Book now to avoid disappointment! | |
Sign up to recieve our new communities e-newsletter |
Our new Communities Engagement Team are launching their own Communities e-newsletter.
This is aimed at people involved in voluntary and community groups, Parish Councils, or other community activities. It will keep communities up-to-date with relevant developments at the Council and elsewhere, for example around funding opportunities for groups, workshops, training and networking events, and helping to involve communities in decision-making.
Sign up now to receive the e-newsletter and occasional other updates.
| | Find career support and local opportunities |
We hold regular job fairs in Lutterworth and Market Harborough and a job club every first Friday of every other month at The Wycliffe Rooms in Lutterworth. You can find the dates for forthcoming job clubs online.
The job fairs and job clubs are open to everyone, whether you are unemployed, employed, looking for your next challenge, are interested in finding voluntary experience or are just browsing out of curiosity. Everyone is welcome. The next job club will be held at The Wycliffe Rooms in Lutterworth on Friday 6 December 2024. Pop in any time between 1pm - 3pm and chat confidentially with careers advisors and training providers.
You can also find online exciting opportunities in the Harborough district including local jobs, apprenticeships, training, and support for both employers & job seekers and more!
Becoming Self-Employed
Training and qualifications
Resources and support
Apprenticeship opportunities
Local jobs
Volunteer roles
Have you considered joining Team Harborough to work with us? Our web pages are regularly updated with new positions to apply for, or you could send in a speculative CV today and we will hold your details on file for relevant positions.
If you're a local employer looking for fresh talent for your workforce get in touch today and register your interest for a job fair or other recruitment events in Harborough district. Email:
Find out more
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| Bin collection day changes for some households |
 | Bin collection days are changing for some households in the Harborough District. Please note that these changes will take place week commencing 4 November 2024
Find a full list of the areas where collection dates are changing and for frequently asked questions on our designated web page. Look out for a luggage label attached to your bin at the end of October for more information.
If you are living within the affected areas and your bin is currently collected on a Tuesday, this will change to a Wednesday.If you are living within the affected areas and your bin is currently collected on a Wednesday, this will change to a Tuesday.
If your collection is on a Thursday or Friday, there is no change for your household. This is a permanent collection day change, starting from 5 November 2024. This will not affect the type of bin collected.
Find our online forms
Did you know that you can complete a form for a range of waste requests online. These can be processed more quickly than calling customer services and can be accessed at any time:
Safeguarding Adults Week |
Safeguarding Adults Week from 18 to 22 November and aims to raise awareness of what safeguarding adults is and how people can access support.
Could you spot the signs of adult exploitation? Watch Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland’s Safeguarding Adults Boards’ video to find out.
If you are concerned that an adult with care and support needs may be experiencing abuse and/or neglect, please contact adult social care services. #SeeSomethingSaySomethingLLR |
Find out more
| | Tackling rural crime |
Farmers, local landowners and rural business owners are invited to attend Harborough Community Safety Partnership event on Monday 11 November from 6.15pm - 8.45pm at Kilworth Springs Golf Club.
Representatives from Leicestershire Police, National Farmers Union, Harborough District Council enforcement officers, and the Fire and Rescue Service and other supporting services will be attending to discuss the issues affecting farmers, local landowners and rural businesses across the Harborough District.
Book your FREE space now by emailing:
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Be winter ready |  |
Cold weather can have a serious impact on health, so it is important to try and heat the rooms you use to at least 18°C if you can, particularly if you have reduced mobility, are 65 and over, or have a health condition such as heart or lung disease.
Wearing a few layers of clothing to keep warm is more effective than wearing one thick layer as the heat is trapped between the layers and helps to keep you warm.
If you can’t heat all the rooms you use, try to heat the living room during the day and then your bedroom just before you go to sleep. During the day, keeping curtains open can help allow warmth into your home.
At dusk, close all the curtains and keep the windows closed to block out draughts and help keep heat in when the weather's at its coldest. It can also help to keep doors closed around your home to stop draughts. Check on frail and older neighbours, especially those living alone or who have health conditions to make sure they are safe, warm and well.
Citizens Advice offer energy advice including help if you are struggling to pay your bills and support with reading your energy meter.
You can also find some energy saving tips here to help save you money.
Leicestershire County Council’s Warm Homes service provides advice to residents to support affordable warmth.
The Home Energy Retrofit Offer (HERO) provides advice to households on how to improve energy efficiency. Additional support may be given to eligible residents through one-to-one advice in their home and a free assessment to identify recommended improvements.
The service aims to provide residents with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions about investing in their homes. The service offered will be tailored towards the needs of the resident and can therefore signpost towards relevant grant funding or assist with the application where funding is available for retrofit measures.
Find details on eligibility and how to apply online. |
| Become a volunteer Community Flood Warden |
It is recommended that every parish should have at least 2-3 flood wardens, not just those who have a large river, brook or watercourse running through their area. The next training session to become a Community Flood Warden is on
Wednesday 27 November 2024
from 6pm - 8pm
Blaby District Council, Desford Road, Leicester, LE19 2EP If you, or someone in your community is interested in becoming a flood warden, please email: or telephone 0116 3056101 |
Flood support in Harborough District
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Dates for your diary |
7 November: Farmer’s Market on The Square in Market Harborough
11 November: Rural Crime event at Kilworth Springs Golf Club, North Kilworth
22-24 November: Christmas Food and Drink Festival in Market Harborough
23 November: Market Harborough Christmas lights switch on
26 November: Free Buggy Walks, 1.30pm at Wellington Place Market Harborough
27 November: Community Flood Warden training (see above for further details)
28 November: Community Market Place event. (see below for more details)
28 November: Late Night Shopping, organised by Harbs Collective, supported by the council
29 November: Lutterworth Christmas Market in Lutterworth (not organised by HDC)
30 November: Harborough Leisure Centre free open day event
30 November: Artisan Fair on The Square in Market Harborough
5 December: Farmers Market on The Square in Market Harborough
6 December: Job Club at The Wycliffe Rooms in Lutterworth
6 December: Christmas Fayre in Market Harborough (not organised by HDC)
7 December: Broughton Astley Christmas Fayre and Lights Switch-on (not organised by HDC)
8 December: Broughton Astley Santa Dash and Dawdle (not organised by HDC)
Find more events across Harborough district
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