In this month's edition: Council form Special Interest Group, Leader statement on Devolution deal and much more!

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November 2023

Councils form Special Interest Group to seek new funding approach for Internal Drainage Boards

East Lindsey District Council is part of 22 local authorities which have joined to form a Special Interest Group (SIG) through the local government agenda to lobby the Government for a fairer way to fund Internal Drainage Boards (IDB).

IDBs manage water levels and reduce the risk from flooding in areas where special flood management measures are needed.

The board's work is essential for keeping communities safe and protecting land.

All the councils in the SIG are currently required to pay a Special Levy to fund the IDBs for their Council area. The levy varies from year to year and the Councils have no control over the sum. Historically, IDBs raised the levy directly from local ratepayers and, for efficiency from the 1970s onwards, the collecting of the rates was passed to local councils who then transferred them on the IDBs.

The levy is paid from the funds collected through Council Tax, meaning less money is then available to fund statutory services the Council must provide to taxpayers.  In some cases, services are being cut to fund the levy.

In East Lindsey for 2023/24 due to the levies, the council tax increase generated £321,000 compared to an IDB increase of £946,000. This meant the Council has to fund savings to meet the remaining £625,000.

This issue is unique to a handful of councils - all with relatively small overall budgets - as local authorities not covered by drainage boards do not have this financial disadvantage.

Earlier this year, the Government made a one-off payment to the 15 councils most significantly impacted to mitigate the levy increase. While this was hugely welcomed, it was a one-off payment and offers no permanent solution, with the levies expected to increase further in 2024/25. For some local authorities, the one-off payment did not cover this year's levy increase in their budgets.

Through the SIG, the councils are now seeking a longer term, more sustainable approach to how Special Levy payments to IDBs are funded.

The campaigning so far has included writing to the Chancellor Mr Jeremy Hunt MP; Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Mr Michael Gove MP, MPs in the area of the 21 councils and the District Councils Network.

East Lindsey District Council Leader statement on Greater Lincolnshire Devolution deal

East Lindsey District Council's Leader, Cllr Craig Leyland, has cautiously welcomed the announcement of a devolution deal for Greater Lincolnshire.

Published in today's Autumn statement, the Greater Lincolnshire Devolution deal could see a new Mayoral Combined Authority created.

Devolution enables more decisions to be made at a local level instead of by Government, provides the authority with additional responsibilities, extra funding, as well as greater control in how money is spent.

Read about the deal here
Read the Leader's statement here

HEART team to help even more residents to live warmer and more energy efficient in their homes

East Lindsey's Home Energy Advice and Retrofit Team (HEART) is coming to a community near you!

HEART are getting out and about to provide in-person support to residents who may otherwise struggle to access help and advice on what is available to them to make their homes warmer and reduce energy bills.

Earlier this year, the council was awarded £662,154.24 from the Consumer Advice and Information Programme through the Local Energy Advice Demonstrator competition. The funding from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero is being administered through the Midlands Net Zero Hub.

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Council Tax Single Person Discount review to take place in East Lindsey

Residents are being urged to tell East Lindsey District Council if they are claiming Single Person Council Tax discount they are no longer entitled to.

The District Council gives a 25 per cent discount to 23,483 households where there is only one adult resident at the property. In the last financial year, this totalled more than £9.3million.

The Council will soon be working with a third party to compare its council tax information with other databases. This will identify those cases where more than one adult is living at an address and a discount is being claimed.

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Find something special at your local Christmas market this winter

Alongside East Lindsey District Council's weekly street markets in Louth (Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays), Horncastle (Thursdays and Saturdays) and Spilsby (Mondays) there will be a range of specialist markets held throughout the rest of this month and December.

East Lindsey's winter markets are the perfect place to pick up a special gift for a loved one or some local produce to add the finishing touches to the festive meal - so head down to your local market and see what you can find!

Alford, Wainfleet and Skegness kickstarted the Christmas spirit with their weekend markets, with


a lot more to come in Wragby, Spilsby, Louth, Mablethorpe and Horncastle.

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Sutton on Sea Colonnade development update

Enabling works started at the Colonnade site in September, which included the erection of site cabins, boundary fencing and preparatory work including some demolitions and below ground surveys.

Throughout this period the Council has been working with the Environment Agency to ensure that the sea defence wall remains fully protected and functional during and following the


construction process. We appreciate that this period of reduced on-site activity may have been frustrating for residents, but this vital work has formed a crucial part of the scheme.

Work with the Environment Agency has now successfully concluded, and over the coming weeks there will be an increase in activity on site, initially around the sea defence wall. In the New Year work will continue, including bulk earth works, piling and drainage, with the installation of steel frame of the building, planned to commence in the Spring.

We thank everyone for their patience and support with the project, and we will keep people updated as it continues to progress.

New culture board hold first meeting in journey to lead cultural development in South & East Lincolnshire

The South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership has held the first meeting of a new, strategic eight member board, drawing on experience from a variety of sectors to lead cultural change in South & East Lincolnshire and help to create a more vibrant and dynamic arts, cultural and heritage offer for residents and visitors.

The following members make up the board and met for its first quarterly meeting last week to 


appoint a chair, tour two of the proposed new 'cultural hubs' at The Guildhall in Boston and Ayscoughfee Hall and Gardens in Spalding, and discuss future actions:

  • Rob Pitman, Paradigm Arts - appointed as chair for the board

  • Councillor Graham Marsh, Deputy leader of East Lindsey District Council

  • Councillor Sarah Sharpe, portfolio holder for Culture at Boston Borough Council

  • Councillor Elizabeth Sneath, portfolio holder for Conservation and Heritage at South Holland District Council

  • Claire Foster, Boston College

  • Tracy Stringfellow, Heritage Lincolnshire

  • Mark Rice, former Advertising and Marketing expert

  • Sarah Grundy, Lincolnshire County Council

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Tackling the unpleasant smells that ruin residents' quality of life


New support for residents affected by nuisance odours caused by the use of illicit substances, such as cannabis.

Although environmental law allows local authorities to investigate nuisance odours related to industrial, trade or business premises, these powers do not extend to residential properties. In light of this, the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership has created the new Lincolnshire Noxious Odours Procedure, which is believed to be the first of its kind in the country.

The procedure sets out how local authorities and partner agencies will deal with complaints about unpleasant and persistent smells perceived to be caused by the use of illicit substances in private addresses and how they may be able to take action using alternative tools and powers.

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Councillors' Community Grants

East Lindsey District Council has made £2,000 available to every Councillor to help them support organisations and community projects in their wards.

The Councillors' Community Grants scheme provides grant funding to community projects run by not-for-profit organisations in East Lindsey.

Read more about the grants here

Age-friendly Ambassador


Partnership to award more than £1.1million to community projects across South & East Lincolnshire

Several community projects, groups, initiatives and events across South & East Lincolnshire are set to benefit from more than £1.1millon in funding from the UK Shared Prosperity and Rural Prosperity Funds (UKSPF/REPF).

Twelve projects which aim to have a positive impact on communities and the economy in Boston, East Lindsey and South Holland are the latest to benefit from nearly £780,000 in grant awards, which are being distributed by South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (SELCP) via a Government programme designed to build pride in place, provide high quality skills training and increase life chances across the sub-region.

A further commitment of more than £340,000 will be distributed among 20 parishes and towns through the Lincolnshire Community Foundation's UKSPF funded GRASSroots programme.

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Events will showcase Multi-Million Pound Investment in Skegness and Mablethorpe

Press release from Connected Coast

Local people are being invited to two special events that will showcase the multi-million pound investment and transformational improvements that are being delivered for Skegness and Mablethorpe.

The Connected Coast exhibition events will take place on Friday 17 November at Haven Holiday Park in Skegness, and on Friday 24 November at Mablethorpe Library.

Both events will provide an opportunity for people to drop in between 2pm - 5.30pm to find out more about the exciting projects - including the Campus for Future Living in Mablethorpe and the planned Skegness Learning Campus - that will bring huge benefits for both towns.

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Warm Spaces

With significant increases in living costs there is unprecedented pressure on people already in poverty, and this winter despite the support given by Government, people in South and East Lincolnshire will be forced to make tough decisions about when and what they eat, what they can do in life, and when they can afford to heat their home.

To support our residents we have worked with our partners to create a network of Warm Spaces, a group of places where local residents can come together to stay warm and perhaps enjoy a cup of tea and a biscuit.

We have created a directory of all the places available to our residents so that anyone who is cold knows where they can go to get warm, stay warm and enjoy a little company and some hot refreshments.

Learn more about Warm Spaces here

Cost of Living

With significant rise in the cost of living we know that some households will be struggling financially, emotionally or because they need practical advice and help. Please visit the dedicated section of our website below, where you can find out all of the ways we can support you in these hard times.

Cost of Living Support


Planning Application
Parking Permit
Register to Vote


Green Waste
Council Tax
Bulky Waste Collection


Fly Tipping
Dog Fouling
Abandoned Vehicles

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