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Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

Thursday 16 November 2023



Key Updates

Working together to address our financial challenge: an update

Trust marks new developments in research

Your clinical strategy: upcoming events

Help shape how we communicate with our patients

Next all-staff webinar - 1pm Monday 20 November

Staff Survey closes next week – last change to have your say and be entered into a prize draw

Winter vaccinations - reminder

Other news

First graduation of BSc nursing students

Celebrating our first International Recruits café

This week is AHAH week in our Northern services

Welcome our new T Level students

Project Search 10th anniversary

Unit4 ERP: procurement training for requisitioners

Learn+ and choosing your manager, appraiser or team members

Help us save energy this winter: top tips to help reduce usage at work and home

Enter our fantastic photographic competition 'A picture of health and wellbeing'

Thank you: Debbie Cheeseman

Care Opinion: "My experience suffering with joint pain"


Measles advice  - please take note and be prepared

Bank workers and managers - a reminder about pay

New AfC pay rate for NEW bank workers

Reminder – Barnstaple sexual health clinic will be closed Friday 17 November

Your views sought in surveys

Lecture: ‘Setting the tone: Skin for All and why Melanin Matters’

National Self Care Awareness Week

Stress awareness and sleep

Wellbeing support

Key Updates.

Working together to address our financial challenge: an update

Paul Roberts, interim CEO, wrote to all colleagues yesterday with an update on our financial position. He set out how our position is deteriorating and we need to take some difficult actions to achieve balance each month for the rest of the year.

He talks about why it’s important for an innovative and ambitious organisation like ours to recover our finances and stay in control of our own destiny. 


And importantly, he says that while this is now urgent, it is achievable – and we all need to help.

Read Paul’s update and find out about the extra financial measures on HUB.

Trust marks new developments in research 

We are able to announce this week two new exciting developments in the field of research.

Adding to the amazing facilities and studies we have in action, we are now set to become the host organisation for the new NIHR Regional Research Delivery Network and we have been successful in a bid to develop a HealthTech Research Centre for the South West. 

Both advances will have huge benefits for our patients, colleagues and communities and will see us further strengthen our research partnerships across the South West.

You can read more at these links: 

New £3m investment bringing health technology innovations to the South West 

Trust to host new NIHR Regional Research Delivery Network

Your clinical strategy: upcoming events

Last month we presented our complete suite of clinical and enabling strategies. You can find the strategies - clinical, estates, people, digital, data, finance, green and transformation - published here.

The clinical strategy sets out how we will meet our vision to recover our services whilst supporting clinical excellence and improved outcomes for our community, through working with system partners and the application of technology, research and innovation.  


We believe that for our organisation to be successful we need a shared belief in its priorities and goals; to this end we are holding events for you to learn about and discuss the clinical strategy:

  • Monday 27 November 5.15pm – 6.15pm – in-person at the MEC lecture theatre at NDDH
  • Tuesday 28 November, 5.15-6.15pm - in-person event at RILD
  • Thursday 30 November, 12.30-1.30pm - online webinar, click here to sign up

These events will be hosted by Paul Roberts, Interim Chief Executive Officer, and will include a panel of key leaders who helped develop the strategy. It will be an opportunity for you to hear more about the clinical strategy and ask any questions about what this means for you and your services.

Please let us know if you intend to come along to the in-person events, email We look forward to seeing you there.

Help shape how we communicate with our patients

We are developing a new Patient Communications Policy and we’re asking for feedback to help us shape it.

Good communication is fundamental to good quality care and patient experience. The NHS also has a legal duty to communicate in an accessible and inclusive way. Our policy will set the Trust-wide standards for excellent communication with patients (and by extension with carers, family, and significant others), no matter what a person’s communication need may be.

We have developed 10 principles to guide all patient communications at the Royal Devon and would like your feedback, along with any further thoughts on how to improve our communications.

Please click the link below to share your thoughts in a quick and anonymous survey.

Other formats

  • Please contact us if you need the survey in another format or language

  • You can email us at:

  • You can call us at: 01392 402093 (Patient Advice and Liaison Service - Eastern) or 01271 335760 (Patient Advice and Liaison Service - Northern)

Next all-staff webinar - 1pm Monday 20 November

The next all-staff webinar is taking place on Monday 20 November at 1pm. You can join in live using this MS Teams link. 

The webinar is being hosted by Paul Roberts, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Chris Tidman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Zahara Hyde, Director of Estates and Facilities. 

You can post a question using this slido link, you can also upvote your favourite questions - this helps the most supported topics rise to the top of the list. We will also spend some time at the next webinar talking about the financial challenge and hearing your questions and ideas. 

See HUB for more details.

Staff Survey closes next week – last change to have your say and be entered into a prize draw

Thank you to everyone who has completed the NHS Staff Survey so far. It’s really important that you take this chance to have your say, so if you haven’t completed it yet, please do so as soon as you can, as the survey closes on Friday 24 November.

It’s completely anonymous and is managed by Picker, a third-party contractor. No one at the Royal Devon sees individual responses and you won’t be identified in the reported results that Picker provides.

There’s also a chance to win a £50 voucher. After the survey closes, three people who have completed it will be chosen at random by Picker to receive a voucher. If you want to be in with a chance of winning, please make sure you have completed the survey before next Friday.

We know it’s extremely busy at the moment and capacity is challenging, but your feedback really helps us understand how we can continue to support you in the best ways, so please take the time to complete the survey.

To hear how important it is to complete the survey, please watch these short videos from Paul Roberts, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Hannah Foster, Chief People Officer, and Kay Parnell and Trudie Martin, our joint Staffside chairs.

Winter vaccinations - now open to all staff


Vaccinations are our best defence against Flu and COVID-19 ahead of what could be a very challenging winter.

So that we are doing our best to protect ourselves and our patients, we’re aiming to beat our vaccination numbers from last year where 61.3% of eligible colleagues got their Flu jab and 59.46% their COVID-19 jab.

The jabometer is presently standing at 42.2% for Flu and 35.8% for COVID-19 so there’s still a way to go.

Please don’t delay! Get your jab today.

You can find details of clinics for COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations here on HUB:

Flu clinics

COVID-19 clinics

More information including FAQs are available on the vaccination pages on HUB.

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First graduation for North Devon nurses


The first cohorts of BSc Nursing students based at Petroc in Barnstaple have officially graduated in a ceremony held at the Guildhall in Barnstaple on Thursday 19 October 2023.    

Three groups of BSc Adult Nursing students and three of FdSc Nursing Associate Degree Apprenticeship students graduated following a joint initiative between the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Petroc and the University of Bolton.  

See our website for the full story

Celebrating our first International Recruits café


We recently hosted our first International Recruits Cafés which were incredibly well attended.

The cafés were an opportunity for everyone to meet up and talk about their experiences and the support they have received. The cafés were filled with lots of wonderful stories from our international colleagues of their time here in Exeter and an opportunity for everyone to discuss their career development within our Trust.

Further cafes will take place at North Devon District Hospital in the next few weeks.

See HUB for more.

This week is AHAH week in our Northern services

Are you making the most of our Acute Hospital at Home (AHAH)? Do you have questions about the services they offer and the sorts of patients that can be referred?

This week, the AHAH team in our Northern services have been doing the rounds to help raise awareness of the different services and pathways they offer, and the patients they can care for.

Find out more on HUB.

Welcome our new T Level students

We are delighted to welcome five students from Exeter College who started with us earlier this month.  

The students are studying a two-year Digital production, design and development T Level and are working in the End User Device (EUD), Clinical Application Services (CAST) and Service Desk teams across the Wonford and Heavitree sites in Eastern services. These students will learn the core knowledge and skills that are needed for entry to a range of digital occupations. 

See HUB for more.


Above: Shaan Suddul (student), Mike Kelly (Service Desk Manager), Jim Govier (Senior Service Desk Operator), Aaron Hedge (student)

Project Search 10th anniversary

Project SEARCH , the internship scheme for young people with learning disabilities, celebrates its 10th anniversary at NDDH on Thursday 23 November. The scheme began at RD&E Wonford in October 2022.

The team will be celebrating with an event on the day. To find out more and how you can support them please Click on the image (right) to see a larger version of the poster.


Unit4 ERP: procurement training for requisitioners

The Procurement team is offering training sessions via MS Teams to help colleagues use the Unit4 ERP system.  

The training will cover:

  • Requisitioning (including Amazon orders, Editable ‘template’ orders and Click Travel)

  • Receipting

  • Tasks

You can find details of dates and times of the sessions here on HUB.

Learn+ - choosing your manager, appraiser or team members

We often get asked how you can choose your manager or your team in Learn+. To watch a video on how to do this click here if you are a team member. If you are a manager and would like to add users to ‘My Team’ click here.

To watch a video on how to choose your appraiser click here or if you are an appraiser and would like to choose your appraisees click here

These videos can also be accessed from the FAQs and useful information page in Learn+.

Help us save energy this winter: top tips to help reduce usage at work and home

The end of 2023 is fast approaching, bringing with it the colder and darker winter months that typically lead to increased energy use.

This year, we’re asking you to help us reduce the amount of energy we use across the Trust so that we can lower our carbon footprint and minimise our impact on the environment. By doing so, we will work closer towards achieving our target to become net zero by 2040, as outlined in our Green Plan.


When it comes to reducing energy use,we need to look at our own habits. A useful way to approach this is to ask, ‘would I leave this on at home?’. More often than not, the answer will be no.

Making these small but mindful adjustments in our routines can go a long way - with some simple changes, you can help us cut down on wasted energy. See HUB for more.

Enter our fantastic photographic competition 'A picture of health and wellbeing'

Are you a budding David Bailey, Ansel Adams or Brooklyn Beckham? 

Do you want to help spruce up your local NHS health library?! If your answer is YES then enter our photography competition. 

We have five prizes of £50 vouchers up for grabs and our five winners will have their work professionally framed and displayed in the library for all our readers to enjoy.

See HUB for full details.


Thank you: Debbie Cheeseman

Today's thank you comes from Debbie Cheeseman,

Consultant Nurse, William Wright House, RD&E (Wonford). Debbie is taking early retirement after 35 years with the NHS.

She says: "I can honestly say I have never once doubted my choice of career. It has been an absolute privilege to have made a small impact on the experiences of older adults at the RD&E site.  


"Please continue to do what you can to improve the care for our older patients, particularly those with a cognitive impairment, which has been the single most important thing I have championed all my working life.

Read the full farewell from Debbie on HUB.

Care Opinion: "My experience suffering with joint pain"

Well done to the teams at Bideford Community Hospital, NDDH trauma and orthopaedics, and community therapies, for this great feedback on Care Opinion. Here's an excerpt:


"I was sent for an x-ray on my knee that showed osteoarthritis, this in turn led to me being given a physiotherapy appointment at Bideford Hospital physiotherapy dept.

"I owe so much to my physio, David, as it was due to his professionalism and dedication to his patients, the fact that he listens and understands, that I am now being listed for hip replacement surgery x 2!"

Click here to read the full review

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Local updates.

Measles advice  - please take note and be prepared

The UK Health Security Agency has issued a warning that measles may see a resurgence in England after low uptake of the MMR vaccine and outbreaks elsewhere in the world. 

Measles is one of the world’s most contagious diseases and can lead to serious health complications, particularly in immunosuppressed individuals, pregnancy and young infants. 

Exposure to measles in health care settings poses a significant risk of transmission of infection. 

Please see HUB for more information, including steps to take to prevent a spread and what to do where cases are identified.

Bank workers and managers - a reminder about pay

Now that our Bank function is managed by NHSP, bank workers and their managers are reminded that they need to follow the steps below to be paid each week.


More information, including FAQs and who to contact if you have a problem, is available on HUB

New AfC pay rate for NEW bank workers

As part of our integration work we have reviewed and aligned a number of pay modules to ensure equity across the Trust. This included aligning the current Bank worker pay rates for our AfC (Agenda for Change) staff.

Bank workers in our northern services are paid at the top of band, whilst those in our eastern services have been paid in line with AfC pay point progression in the same way as our substantive staff. 


All current substantive staff with a bank assignment and bank-only workers will remain on their current pay point.

For all new bank assignments, the Trust has approved a new model of pay which will pay at mid-point. Please see HUB for full details of the change.

Reminder – Barnstaple sexual health clinic will be closed Friday 17 November

The Barnstaple sexual health clinic will be closed on Friday 17 November for testing and training to enable implementation of a new electronic patient record (EPR) system.

The closure may result in increased attendance for sexual health needs, e.g. emergency contraception, at our urgent and emergency services.

N.B. strict confidentiality legislation governing sexual health clinics means the EPR is not embedded within, or alongside, Epic. If you need to reach the DSH teams, please continue to contact our clinics through your established links or via our online referral forms. More information can be found here

Your views sought in surveys

There are a number of surveys on HUB in which several teams are asking for your views.

Click here to complete spirometry survey.

Please click here to help us increase our understanding of what colleagues know about occupational therapy

Click here to take part in a survey for clinical support workers

Lecture: ‘Setting the tone: Skin for All and why Melanin Matters’

The Devon and Exeter Medico-Chirurgical Society (DEMS) will host an event: ‘Setting the tone: Skin for All and why Melanin Matters’ at 1pm-2pm, Tuesday 21 November 2023, with Naabil Khan and Natasha Syed, University of Exeter Medical School.

The event will take place in the PMS Lecture Theatre, RILD Building, RD&E (Wonford) and also on MS Teams.

See HUB for full details.

National Self Care Awareness Week

This week is National Self Care Week. To mark the occasion, the Devon Wellbeing Hub have put together an article to remind colleagues that self-care isn’t selfish: Click here to read it.


Stress awareness and sleep

Head over to HUB for advice on the important of sleep and the role it plays in reducing stress.

Wellbeing support

For information about resources to support your wellbeing, please go to the our Health and Wellbeing pages


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