Registration of Interest – Ecosystem partner

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Southern Renewals Enterprise

Registrations of Interest – Ecosystem partners


The Southern Renewals Enterprise (SRE) is responsible for Network Rail’s ten year Southern renewals portfolio. The SRE comprises the Capable Owner (Network Rail), Southern Integrated Delivery (SID) and, vitally, an Ecosystem of supply chain partners.


Update & emerging Ecosystem thinking:

Following selection of four partners, VolkerFitzpatrick (Buildings & Civils), Octavius (Electrification & Plant), Atkins (Signalling) and VolkerRail (Track), who together with Network Rail (Minor Works) will form Southern Integrated Delivery (SID), work continues to develop the SRE – including the Ecosystem strategy.

The ongoing development of our Ecosystem strategy is grounded in the following principles:

  • the Ecosystem is vital to the success of the SRE.

  • the influence a partner has on the delivery of the SRE outcomes will inform the nature of  Ecosystem relationships.

  • higher influence partners will be engaged through longer term, commercially aligned and sustainable relationships.  

  • higher influence Ecosystem partners will share an appetite to: work differently; work in a highly integrated way, and; share in the value created – through a variety of commercial approaches.

  • we are committed to: engaging early, listening to and learning from the supply chain - strategic through tactical, sharing pipeline visibility and, investing in the development of the Ecosystem.  

Next Steps

1.     As we continue to develop our strategy, including identifying the requirements with greatest influence on delivery of SRE outcomes, we are now inviting registrations of interest. Through the registration of interest, we invite you to share with us some basic company information and your perspective on how your organisation could contribute to the delivery of one or more of the SRE outcomes (detailed below).

2.     In the near term, and with a view to testing and developing our thinking further, we will soon begin engaging with the Ecosystem at a more granular level; including through open events (including TransCity Rail South) and also more targeted engagement processes with clusters of the Ecosystem, progressively over time as our needs and priorities emerge. Information on these processes will be made available at the appropriate time. 

3.      SID is also preparing for the delivery of ‘advanced works’. Our approach to engagement of the supply chain for advanced works will ensure we respond to the advanced works programme whilst also providing the SRE the time required to finalise our Ecosystem strategy prior to starting processes to select our Ecosystem partners for CP7. 

Click HERE to complete your registration of interest

Registrations of Interest will remain open for the foreseeable future, however the SRE will begin reviewing and utilising information provided in responses from the 21st August 2023

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