Your must-read training & CPD update

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Scomis - Your ICT Partner.

Hello and welcome to the last training newsletter of summer term!

We've got everything you need to be prepared for the new academic year below. If you've got new staff, or would benefit from a refresher, we have courses lined up in September that you can book onto now. 

If you know what you're looking for, or want to browse our training courses for inspo, you can go straight to our training course timetable

Visit our training course timetable

Our team of experienced trainers offer bespoke and onsite training for your school or trust. Please contact us directly if you'd like to discuss your requirements and explore the most impactful and cost-effective training for your establishment.

New staff joining in September?

Scomis has a range of training courses available for new staff in September – with more dates for the autumn term being added in the coming weeks. Upcoming courses include:

MIS tutor-led demonstrations

We would like to draw your attention to our new tutor-led demonstrations for your school’s Management Information System - whether you use Arbor, Bromcom or SIMS. These are specifically aimed at new staff in school and these demonstrations provide new members of staff with a useful overview of:

  • How schools and trusts use the Management Information System (MIS)
  • The different modules in your MIS and how they interact
  • The relevance of MIS modules in relation to specific roles and responsibilities
  • Common terms and their meanings used in education and the MIS
  • Key dates in the school academic year




These immersive one-and-a-half hour sessions cost only £75 for Scomis customers, and places can be booked by clicking on the above links or email the training team directly.

Scheduled courses for the new academic year

Book your autumn tutor-led courses:

Are there any training courses over the summer holiday?

We have no courses scheduled over the holiday. However, if you have new staff starting in September, or notice a requirement for 1:1 training or consultancy, contact Scomis Service Desk. Our Training and Consultancy team are available throughout the summer.

Succession Planning

Education and Product Specialist Jane McFall recently delivered a well-received key note session at the Cornwall Primary School Administrators meeting.

Her presentation Succession Planning for Administration Teams explores the vital role of preparatory training in ensuring continuity when staff leave or need unplanned absence.  

Meet your trainer! Craig Allen - School Leadership Support Partner

Craig has worked for Scomis for 20 years and has 30 years’ experience in Education.

Attendees on our courses on Assessment & Analysis, Reporting, Conduct and Interventions will have Craig as their tutor.

Read more about your trainer, Craig.


Self-directed courses - free for all customers

Scomis provides free customer access to self-directed digital learning courses on our ScoLearn platform covering core aspects of using SIMS so you can learn any time, any place and at your own pace.

Get started on ScoLearn

How to access courses on ScoLearn

You do not need to make a booking for any courses on ScoLearn. Simply sign up for an account! Here's your short guide to setting up an account and getting started.

Finally, don't forget you can watch any of our 30-minute masterclasses on our YouTube channel in our 30-Minute Masterclasses playlist.

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