Get up to date with Harborough news and events! |
 | Liz Elliott Interim Chief Executive |
Polling stations for the District and Parish Elections will be open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 4 May 2023. New rules now require all voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station.
You can use your passport, driving licence, and certain bus passes as well as a number of other forms of photo ID.
View a full list of acceptable photo ID or contact the Elections Team at Harborough District Council, email: or call 01858 821049.
If you're celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III you can find local and national events or activities on the official Coronation interactive map and events listing. I hope the weather is favourable for this memorable weekend!
On 17 May 2023, the Progress Flag will be flown outside The Symington Building to mark the council’s acknowledgement of, and support for, IDAHOBIT – the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. This year the theme is “Together always: united in diversity”.
 | Explore beautiful Harborough district |  |
There are lots of exciting adventures to experience in Harborough district, check out our short video for a snapshot of what's on offer.
May is National Walking Month! Why not take the opportunity to explore our district. Take inspiration from our range of local walking trails, printed in a handy leaflet format, with local facts and easy to follow routes.
You can download routes or find printed copies at Harborough Market, Market Harborough Leisure Centre, at local events and other local outlets.
There are some glorious walks in Harborough district, or you could join a local walking group and make some new friends too.
Taste The Place, an initiative launched by Visit Leicester highlights some of the best places to eat and drink across our region. So why not combine a beautiful, insightful local trail walk with a rewarding rest at an atmospheric venue in Harborough District.
If you're a Harborough-based business and would like some support with tourism, sign up to our Visit Harborough e-newletter to keep updated with events, local partnerships, grants and more.
|  | Find events in Harborough district | |
| | We're pleased to have received many successful applications for Coronation grant funding from across the Harborough district.
Grants of up to £500 were allocated on a first come first served basis until the funding pot of £20,000 was used and the grant is now closed.
We will share updates with where funds have been allocated in the next issue of this newsletter.
If you have received grant funds and would like to share how the monies were used, please send details and images to:
You can find both local and national Coronation events to attend. Don't forget to add your event if you're hosting one!
Celebrating the Coronation in Harborough district? If you're happy for us to use your images in a short video to commemorate this memorable event in Harborough district, please send images or short video footage to: |
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| Healthy ageing in Harborough district |
| Everyone Active, the council's leisure provider at Market Harborough leisure centre and Lutterworth sports centre, has increased the range of activities targeted at older residents. This includes the introduction of six new activity sessions at Market Harborough and three new sessions at Lutterworth which are all proving very popular, with over 300 attendees just in the first three months.
The new sessions cover; Senior Kurling, Senior Badminton, Outdoor Bootcamp, and Walking Football. In further exciting news, building on this success, Everyone Active staff have received training from England Hockey and have, in-partnership, just launched a new Walking Hockey session at Lutterworth sports centre. England Hockey have provided the kit as part of grant funds secured. Sessions are running from 4-5pm on Mondays - why not check it out! The No-Strings badminton sessions at Lutterworth have also seen an uplift of attendees and an additional evening slot has been added.
Find activity sessions online:
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Dispose of vapes and e-cigarettes safely | All vapes and e-cigarettes contain batteries and must not be put in any general waste bin or mixed with other waste, as they contain toxic and corrosive materials and can cause fires. This can cause significant damage to refuse collection vehicles and more importantly, they can put our refuse crew and members of the public at risk.
Reusable vape machines can be recycled at your local recycling and household waste site in the small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling bin.
Before you dispose please make sure you remove the gas canister and any chemicals first and dispose of according to the manufacturer’s guidance.
Disposable vapes can be recycled at some local vape shops using a dedicated collection bin or your local recycling and household waste site in the small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling bin.
| | Go Green business event |  | Businesses are making significant strides forward towards becoming more environmentally friendly after attending the Harborough Go Green Business Convention last month. Over 40 companies attended the event organised by Harborough District Council at Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground to learn and share some of the things they can do to tackle climate change and become more sustainable. A delegate from a local business who attended said: “I found the convention both really interesting and useful and have come away with plenty of new ideas and actions to help us moving forward.” Photo credit: Market Harborough Chamber of Commerce
| Read more | |  | |
| | Survey launched to learn about solid fuel burning habits |  | We're working with North West Leicestershire District Council to understand fuel burning trends as part of a government-funded campaign. A survey has been launched asking residents in both districts to answer questions about solid fuel burning.
Residents who respond to the survey can choose to be entered into a prize draw to win tickets for local leisure attractions as part of the process. | Read more | | |
Harborough Jobs Week
| Harborough Jobs Week is running from Monday 15 to Friday 19 May 2023.
Events during the week are set to be confirmed, but will include the following: Make a date to come along to the Job Fair on Thursday 18 May 2023. Pop in anytime between 11am - 2pm and speak with local employers about real job opportunities across the Harborough district. Professional career advisers will also be on hand to help you with your CV, interview skills, accessing training and more!
If you're a Harborough-based business and are looking for fresh talent in your workforce contact us to get involved! Email: You can find job opportunities, apprenticeships, career support, business advice, entrepreneurial guidance & more in the Harborough district.
To keep updated with grant funding opportunities, local events, free training, and collaborative projects, sign up to receive the Business E-Bulletin now! |  |
| Dates for your diary |
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