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Scomis - Your ICT Partner.

This week - the ISBL National Conference 2022, upcoming training and CPD, and important information on the Autumn 2022 SIMS/FMS Upgrade.

ISBL National Conference

Today and tomorrow we're exhibiting and speaking at the ISBL National Conference in Birmingham, "Leading Positivity In Education."


We always embrace the opportunities we get at conferences - to see our customers, meet future customers, gather intellegence from peers, gain perspective on common challenges and solutions, inspiration and learning from others. It's a great way to find and meet new suppliers and partners. And it's about social and professional bonding.

We're inspired by the conversations that we have and we gain great insight from them. It's an opportunity for us to aggregate these conversations with the insights we gain from working with our customers and solving their challenges.

As a gentle warm up for this vital topic, check out the ScomisLive session from Stephen Morales, ISBL's CEO, Confidence and resilience through professional development: facing and embracing our EdTech future, and Dr Emma Kell's The helicopter and the mosaic: wellbeing in schools.

If you're at the conference, stop by stand 72 and say hello to Michael and Amy!

MATs Summit - last week 

Last month we exhibited at Optimus Education's MATs Summit, in Stratford-upon-Avon. Check out our blogpost which captures the key conversations we had with our customers and future customers. If you're curious to know what is keeping other senior leaders awake at night this is a quick and easy must-read. If something here resonates, get in touch and we'll talk you through the opportunities for positive change.


Training - what's coming up?

Following our last CPD, Training & Courses email, packed with opportunities, our four day NOVA T6 for New Users remote tutor led course, starting in January, is available to book now!

NOVA T6 for New Users provides a step by step explanation of how to use Nova-T in the production of the school timetable, from populating the system with core data (rooms, staff, subjects) to submitting the completed timetable to SIMS.

At the forefront of SIMS Next Gen!

We have now recruited the first schools who will join us at the forefront of SIMS Next Gen! It's an exciting time for all of us.

If you feel your establishment has been left out of this first stage - maybe you're a leader and an early adopter who like to be a part of improving technology for your school or trust, please let us know here and your account manager will be in touch.

These early adopter schools will help all Scomis customers jump into the future of EdTech. We'll show you how in upcoming newsletters, so keep an eye out for the one after this.

Hey Sarah!

Where can I find information on the Autumn 2022 SIMS/FMS Upgrade?

I'm glad you asked! The Autumn 2022 SIMS Upgrade (V7.208) & FMS (V6.208) is planned to be rolled out on the evening of Friday 25th November 2022 from 5.30pm, meaning that Hosted Application Service users need to log off by 5pm.

Release notes containing detailed information on what is included in the upgrade, and information on new functions in this release can be found in our FAQ.

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