Foreword from Councillor Blake Pain Lead member for the Environment and the Green Agenda |
I'm pleased to say that Leicestershire County Council recently launched its new Green Living Leicestershire scheme that will help local households cut their energy bills. You’ll find more information about all our energy grants and cost of living support later in this edition.
The council has also recently put out a call for tree wardens to protect Leicestershire’s green spaces. You can join almost 100 volunteers which protect, maintain and help us plant a tree for every person in the county.
Everyone can play their part in making Leicestershire a greener place to live, work and visit. From recycling right to attending a Great Big Green Week event, there are plenty of ways you can help us towards our goal of being a net zero county by 2045.
I hope you enjoy this edition of Environment Matters and I encourage you to take action today. |
Recycle right this September |
 | | In light of the recent sad news of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll, Recycle Week has been postponed (19-25 September) and it will now take place between 17-23 October.
However, recycling right everyday can make a real difference and build on the progress we’ve already made on increasing how much gets recycled. | Your guide to recycling right |
Great Big Green Week is here |
The county council is taking part in Great Big Green Week - the UK's biggest annual celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.
From libraries to town squares, we'll be attending events across the county talking to residents like you about how you can make planet-friendly choices, take action for nature with NatureSpot and much more! |  | Find events near you | |