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 Foreword from Councillor Blake Pain
  Lead Member for the Environment and the Green Agenda
Leicestershire County Council has been involved in Food Waste Action Week – an awareness week to encourage people to reduce their food waste. As part of this work, I'm pleased to say we've launched Watch Your Waste: a flexible four-week online prevention programme to help residents take action to become more food waste savvy.

Recently, the county council published its greenhouse gas and environmental performance reports, and you can find more about the key findings later in this edition. 

We're also looking for people who are interested in learning more about monitoring their local grass verges. People are also encouraged to get involved to mark the The Queen's Platinum Jubilee and help us plant a tree for every person in Leicestershire

Small actions – like signing up to Watch Your Waste, having your say in Leicestershire's Resources and Waste Strategy consultation or becoming a biodiversity volunteer – are just a few ways you can make a big difference and help make Leicestershire a cleaner, greener place.

I hope you enjoy this edition, and feel inspired to take action this Spring!
  Sign up to Watch Your Waste today!

Did you know that wasting food feeds climate change?

While 81% of people in the UK are concerned about climate change, fewer than 30% can see a clear link with wasting food. But food waste alone accounts for an estimated 8-10% of global manmade greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually.

In the UK households produce a staggering 4.5 million tonnes of food waste, equating to roughly 25 million tonnes of CO2 every year.

We've launched a four-week online programme to help residents take simple, meaningful actions to reduce their food waste. 

You'll be able to learn more about meal planning, the best way to store food, and much more - as well as have the chance to win prizes for the actions you've taken! 

   Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report 2020-21 now available!

The county council has recently published the latest Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report for the 2020-21 financial year. Since 2019-20, the council has reduced its own GHG emissions by over 19%. This has been achieved through the council using on-site renewable energy and significant emissions reductions from business travel, streetlighting and traffic signals, buildings and fleet vehicles. Overall, the council has achieved a 74% reduction in emissions since its 2008-09 baseline. 

The report recognises that the impact of Covid-19 on council operations and the shift to council staff working from home will have contributed to these reductions, alongside the need to maintain reductions where possible and appropriate (e.g. smarter working and unnecessary business mileage). 

This annual GHG report forms part of the council's carbon reduction programme and its commitment to become a net zero local authority for its own operational emissions by 2030.


   New video to reduce contamination in recycling
We all know recycling is important, but it can be confusing. 

Putting in the wrong items can damage machinery and cause recycling loads to be rejected. 

That's why we've created this new video to help you understand what can and can't be recycled in Leicestershire!

   Don't let your future go to waste!

Have your say on how Leicestershire manages its recycling and waste!

Leicestershire Waste Partnership (the county council and the seven districts) are seeking views from residents and communities on the new Resources and Waste Strategy - as part of a 12 week public consultation.

The strategy looks at what happens to your recycling and waste and how this can help reduce climate change and save raw materials.

You can share your thoughts on the pledges, which include waste prevention, food waste collections and reducing waste sent to landfill to less than 5% by 2025.

Find out more about reducing, reusing and recycling on the Less Waste website.  

   We're calling for Environment Action Volunteers!

We are looking for new volunteers to join our Environment Action Volunteer scheme.

It's your chance to put your passion for the environment into action, and give advice and practical support to help residents in Leicestershire live more sustainably.


The scheme is particularly interested in recruiting volunteers (18+) who are interested in making a difference, keen to raise awareness of biodiversity and promote home composting.

No previous experience of volunteering is needed, and free training will be provided.
   International Compost Awareness Week (1-7 May)

We're looking forward to International Compost Awareness Week, which is taking place on 1-7 May. This year's theme is all about the shift towards sustainable agriculture in food and farming and how composting contributes.

Composting at home is an excellent way of disposing of your kitchen peelings without them going to landfill. You're managing your waste in a sustainable way and turning it into a valuable resource for the garden. You're improving the health and nutrition of your soil, conserving water, reducing soil erosion, and reducing the need to add chemicals to manage pests and diseases.  

You don't need a lot of time or a large garden to compost at home, it's a relatively simple and rewarding process and we have put together a range of video resources to talk you through the process. 

There's also plenty of composting guidance available on the Less Waste website to get you started. We have volunteers who can offer further guidance to support you with composting and you can get in contact by emailing 

If you haven't tried making your own compost yet, then this year we would really encourage you to give it a go.

 We want to support your community projects!
    Photo credit: Little Bird SOS. 

We are keen to support projects that can maintain or build on positive environmental benefits, such as reduced carbon emissions, increased biodiversity, improved air quality and greater appreciation of nature and green spaces.


If you're a community based organisation looking to reduce household waste or support the local environment you could also be eligible for a grant of up to £3,000. A simplified application process is also available for small grants up to £300.

The next round for applications closes on Friday 24 June 2022. 

We are in the process of developing an online grant application form. Further details about the application process, including virtual workshops and information about previous successful projects, can be found below. 
   Help us create grass verges and record more plants
The county council are calling for residents to record more species of flora and fauna across Leicestershire and we're working with NatureSpot to offer training to volunteers. 

You'll be able to learn more about grass verges, increase your confidence in monitoring species and have the chance to give it a go!

The training will be offered in a number of ways, including;
  • open day events at the verges
  • workshops for those wanting to develop their wildlife identification skills
  • signposting you to useful smartphone apps
    Five top tips to help make your home energy efficient 
With energy prices rising and cheaper tariffs hard to find, it's more important than ever to use less energy to keep costs down. Here are our five easy energy saving tips:

Turn the thermostat down and check your timers 

With the clocks changing and warmer weather on its way, it's the perfect time to check your heating schedule and temperatures. According to the Energy Saving Trust, for every degree you reduce by, you could save 10% on your bill. It is recommended that 18-21 degrees should be the target temperature range. It's also a common energy myth that you should leave the heating on low all day - you should only use the heating when you need it.

Save water to save energy

Reducing hot water usage has the benefit of saving on your water and energy bills. Your water company may be able to provide a free water saving shower head or you could try and reduce the length of your showers – just one minute less could save £180 a year for a 4 person household. Remember to use a washing up bowl when washing the dishes too.

Switch off

See how many gadgets and appliances you leave plugged in and on standby around your house and try and switch them off more often. Don't forget to switch the lights off when you leave a room!

Check for draughts

It's worth walking around your home and looking for draughty windows, doors and chimneys. There are a range of low cost and easy to install products that could make your home warmer and save on your energy bills.

Be smart with your energy usage

Only boil the water you need in the kettle, wash clothes at 30 degrees, avoid using a tumble dryer if possible and make sure the washing machine and dishwasher are full when you use them. You may be eligible for a free smart meter from your energy supplier to help you keep an eye on how much energy you use. 

   Take part in the Big Repair Project

The amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is rising globally. In the UK alone, we dispose of an estimated 2 million tonnes of WEEE each year.   

In July 2021 the UK introduced the 'Right to Repair' law with the aim of extending the life of a range of electrical products and appliances by up to ten years. 

The Big Repair Project is conducting a survey to better understand household issues with the maintenance and repair of home appliances and electronics in the UK.

You can also find out more by listening to the BBC three-part podcast Dare to Repair.  

   Key dates for your diary
17 April - Bird ID course at Watermead Country Park

22 April - Moth and bat walk at Watermead Country Park

25 April - Deadline for responses on Leicestershire Resources and Waste consultation

1-7 May - International Compost Awareness Week 

4-5 June - Leicester Riverside Festival

24 June -  Deadline for SHIRE Environment Grant applications 

2-10 July - Swift Awareness Week

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