Learn Teach Lead RE (LTLRE, Area 1)
LTLRE hub (twilight) meetings are free and open to all teachers of RE, primary and secondary. See LTLRE website for full details.
SWIFT SW RE hub: Thurs 6 June (online), book here Cornwall: Wed 19 June (online)
Exeter, East Devon, North Devon: Thurs 27 June (online) |
Buddhism: Dharma Day
Secondary RE teachers: join us on Fri 7 June to engage with Buddhist teachings and practice at Hartridge Buddhist Monastery,nr Honiton. Contact Ed Pawson for details. Cost: £50. |
Primary RE survey 2024
Primary teachers: could you spare 15 minutes to complete the NATRE bi-annual teacher survey? This really helps NATRE to support great teaching and learning about Religion and Worldviews in schools.
If you are not a member, why not consider joining NATRE (National Association of Teachers of RE). It’s a vibrant and supportive community for RE teaching professionals and the largest membership organisation for RE teachers.
Those buying the Primary Enhanced membership get free access to a suite of Classroom Ready resources. This will be offered at a reduced rate at the syllabus launch events. |
Primary RE subject leaders
The NATRE Primary Subject Leader toolkit, is a FREE resource for primary school RE subject leaders. Access a whole number of resources and links to support your role. |
Pilgrimage on BBC
Pilgrimage is ‘praying with your feet.’ Follow the personal ups and downs as seven celebrities make an emotional and personal Pilgrimage through North Wales following in the footsteps of Celtic saints as part of the BBC’s Pilgrimage. It’s really inspiring RE on TV. |
Religion and Worldviews Hub
The Open University’s Religion, Belief and Worldviews Hub is a brilliant multi-media site for exploring religion, spirituality and non-religion. This short video about Religion, Faith, Spirituality and Worldviews is very well explained. |
Women in Mosques
A campaign has been launched to open British mosques to more women.
Find out more about Inclusive Exeter and Inclusive Mosques. |
Buckfast Abbey visits
Contact Buckfast Abbey to find out more about visiting the Abbey and about the RE resources they offer. Please email to education@buckfast.org.uk or call on 01364 645517
Exeter Cathedral visits
Exeter Cathedral offers a great range of exciting RE experiences linked to the RE Agreed Syllabus. |
Sentientism: a worldview
Find out about Sentientism as a worldview. The belief in ‘compassion for all sentient beings’ has much in common with religious concepts like ahimsa and compassionate stewardship – while its ‘evidence and reason’ shares the naturalistic thinking of Humanism. |
£600 for Christianity resources
The Jerusalem Trust’s Small Grants to Schools Scheme supports the teaching of Christianity within RE. Apply for grants of up to £600 to purchase resources for use in RE lessons. |
Wider reading for RE
A list of 100+ books (from EYFS to KS4) that link with RE topics and will inspire young readers to love RE (only available for NATRE members). |
Challenging Religion and Worldviews stereotypes
This ‘Challenging Religious and Worldview Stereotypes’ toolkit is a resource to support schools in dealing with the topic of stereotyping and how to overcome
it. It contains resources and films on which to base your teaching within RE, PSHE or Citizenship lessons and in tutor time. |
Beyond Belief archive
The BBC Beyond Belief archive is fantastically rich public resource that provides a wide range of communities across the UK with the opportunity to learn about issues in the study and practice of religions, about cultural and religious diversity, and about the contemporary experience of people in faith communities. |
Celebration Kitchen
Celebs and chefs share recipes, treats and traditions with the BBC Saturday Kitchen team. It's the perfect recipe for a glorious celebration of faith through food. |
Spiritual Development in RE
In this short article (which is only available to NATRE members), Nicki Bonell explains ‘How I plan opportunities for spiritual development in RE lessons. |